
Warchild - Karin Lowachee This novel is my second favorite read in 2015, brilliant plot development, careful and detailed world building without info-dumps, meaningful and deeply emotionally charged characters set off an exciting SciFi.

This is a first novel I have read by Karin Lowachee and it won't be the last. I like her style. It's so easy it seems effortless. The words seemed to flow of the pages and wrapped themselves around me like magic, transporting me right at the side of a wounded young boy trying desperately to find a small place in the universe to call his own. This story emphasizes the true meaning of wealth. Some riches that only can be found in a family circle. A safe-heaven witch gives you the absolute right to be yourself no matter what. The only judgement that would come to you is in a form of criticism that is made to create, and not destroy. To help you transform into a happier, better self.

Jos proudly showed the few small gems that he had in his heart early on. The safety and the security of his parents' arms. A loving mother's smile, a devoted father's support. Then he lost it all. He lost far more than he was even aware at the time, and only had happy memories to light his way in dark cold space. He was an orphan, a beautiful orphan in the clutches of evil people. He was told he will be a tool to use for someone else's gain. He ran. He got cut down and fell bleeding into his enemy's hands...

This is where the storytelling gets to shine the best of all in my eyes. Who do we hate? Who do we fight against in our lives? Do we truly hate because that is what our heart tells us? Do we really fight because we want to? Or are we told from an early age what fear should look like, how hate should taste or what demons lurk under our beds?

We have all been there, we have all been guided by other's hand and directed to other's goals in our life. It's human nature in the end, and it is unavoidable. A tormented man turns into a wise one not because he fights, but because he sees both sides of the coin. He walked more than a mile in different shoes, had loved love and hate at the same time. You are not told any of this, you experienced it on your skin while your mind looked in trough a young boy's eyes.

Something other that I truly liked is the subtle approach to sexuality in the novel. On a few instances where there were moments that were sexually charged they had a homoerotic feeling but in a subtle, genuine way. These elements carried a disturbing undertone at the time, not because of a sexual focus on same sex but because of the age of the characters that were involved. Later throughout the novel you could pick up on some more similar situations where the approach to same sex partners was not even mentioned as something out of the ordinary. Old Roman and Greek civilizations accepted and celebrated human sexuality in all of it's glory and same sex partners were accepted, even expected in certain lives like those of professional soldiers. Greeks thought a man would fight with more passion, to protect that which he loves. They were right. In the novel the name of the deep spacer Macedon the author used can be taken a nod to the great Alexander and his life, both private and as a brilliant strategist and a military general.


By not applying current buzz or social standard to her characters the author gave more realism to her story. She didn't push sexuality on her reader, swinging it like a weapon or a target. It was a part of her story as it is a part of human psyche.

I really have give credit, where credit's due and say that I am impressed with the story and it's execution. It won an award, and in my opinion rightfully so. As a favour to all of us that love brilliant space stories, she shouldn't stay far away from her pen at any time. Looking forward to the rest.